For my money, there are few experiences that can match the joy of seeing a great movie for the first time.  I felt this way when I saw Terry Gilliam's Brazil as a kid in the early 90s.  I felt this way when I saw Lukas Moodysson's Together (Tillsammans) in 2001.  I felt this way when I saw Chan-wook Park's Oldboy in 2003.   And I felt this way again when I saw Mysteries of Lisbon in July 2011.  Now, mind you, I have seen a lot of other movies in between.  Some of these movies have been terrific and others, not so much.  I have created this site with the hopes of sharing a few of these great movies with those who are open enough to give them a chance.  Along the way, I'll also warn readers about some of the other movies I have seen along my journey.

My opinions, of course, are no more valid than yours.  Just because I liked a movie, doesn't mean you will, and vice versa.  So why should you bother with these reviews?  When I see movies, I think about a lot of things.  I think about how a movie can challenge us to be better people.  I think about how a movie reinforces some of the worst tendencies of a culture.  And, sometimes, I don't do much thinking at all.  I love movies and can be reduced to a child-like state of wonder by a film like the Star Wars without paying all that much attention to the racial implications of its white = good, black = evil color scheme.   And, of course, what I think or feel, is very much shaped by my experiences as a middle class heterosexual white, college-educated male who lives in the wealthiest country in the history of the world.  But I'd like to think that film is universal and that maybe, through these reviews, I will expose you to a few films you might not have seen otherwise and maybe even get you to think a little differently about some of the films you have seen.  That being said, enjoy my site!